Golden Melody Festival EVENTS



Leading figures from the local and global music industries are invited to speak on industry topics such as how to expand into the global market, music and concert production, digital music applications, and ways to increase income.

Speed Meeting

Speed Meeting

Curators and buyers from major music festivals around the world are invited to attend speed meetings with the local music industry, increasing the visibility of Taiwan’s pop music on the global and potentially facilitating business opportunities.



Promote pop music from Taiwan by selecting singers and bands from Taiwan and beyond to perform live. Related buyers from the music industry in Taiwan and beyond will also be invited to enjoy the live performances so our performers have the opportunity to showcase the diversity of Taiwan's pop music and expand outside of Taiwan.

Biz Matching Center

Biz Matching Center

Companies interested in working with the music industry as well as music companies from Taiwan and beyond are invited to meet and discuss in person, hopefully invigorating transactions in the music market.



Cultivate the next generation of talents for the pop music industry with industry-academia cooperation projects. Help students learn, acquire practical experience, and gain insight into the pop music industry through internships and practicum in GMA events.

The Golden Melody Awards & Festival provides GMA APP for the audience and business delegates to keep up with the latest GMA news. The "Multi-aspect" service allows the audience to choose "Red Carpet & Award Ceremony Live Broadcast" so that audience can keep up with their favorite artists and news regarding the Awards. Business delegates can sign up via GMA App. After the application is approved, delegates will receive an exclusive digital badge that gives them access to Keynote, Speed Meeting, Biz-matching Center. Delegates can arrange an appointment to reserve matchmaking session online. Keep up with the latest information! Welcome to download GMA App!
Past Festivals:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
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