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Golden Melody Awards & Festival
GMA (Golden Melody Awards & Festival)
The GMA is a multi-event musical celebration featuring mainly the Golden Melody Awards and the Golden Melody Festival.

The Golden Melody Festival originated from the Golden Melody Week of 2010. In 2014, the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture transformed the Golden Melody Week into a platform for B2B exchanges. The Golden Melody Festival is hosted in tandem with the GMA in the hopes of building the GMA into an event and award of global significance.

Prior to the Golden Melody Awards Ceremony, a series of events take place during a span a three days, including Music conferences, Workshop, showcases, business matching center, networking and academia. Invitees come from Asia, Europe and the Americas and consist of key figures in the record, performance, artist agency, international news and television industries, as well as international buyers and musicians. The aim is to facilitate business exchange between Taiwan and the world and make the event an important business platform in Asia.

Golden Melody Festival EVENTS
Music Conference
Music Conference

Leaders of the music, gaming, and audiovisual industry in Taiwan and beyond are invited to share industry development landscapes and trends in cross-field collaboration, music production, and market exploration.


Sound mixing and video game music experts from Taiwan and beyond are invited to teach small classes and demonstrate their skillsets to inspire in-depth discussions and technical exchanges across industries.


Promote pop music from Taiwan by selecting singers and bands from Taiwan and beyond to perform live. Related buyers from the music industry in Taiwan and beyond will also be invited to enjoy the live performances so our performers have the opportunity to showcase the diversity of Taiwan's pop music and expand outside of Taiwan.

Biz Matching Center
Biz Matching Center

Music companies or businesses with interest to work across the industries are invited to sign up for business matching events online to create business opportunities for themselves.


Foreign buyers, music festival curators, and people in Taiwan's audiovisual and gaming industry have been invited. These industry heavyweights will be talking about what they do and sharing their experiences with participants. The aim is to facilitate business collaborations across borders and expand our industries.


Cultivate the next generation of talents for the pop music industry with industry-academia cooperation projects. Help students learn, acquire practical experience, and gain insight into the pop music industry through internships and practicum in GMA events.

Past Festivals:
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021