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33rd GMA Nominees Reveals
Special Contribution Award to Chiu Chen & Chen Fu Ming

......... 2022/5/18
Nominees for the 33rd GMA were announced in these days. The GMA received a total of 1,544 albums/EPs and 20,721 works submitted by 273 labels, of which 1,103 albums/EPs were released digitally, which is 176 albums/EPs more than last year. A total of 83 jurors judged the submissions in three stages: preliminary review, eligibility review, and final review over the span of three months before compiling a shortlist of 173 works that will vie for the 27 awards. Universal Music Taiwan (label) and DEPART (album) secured the highest number of nominations with 15 and 8 nominations, respectively. The Special Contribution Award of the 33rd GMA will be awarded to senior musicians: Chiu Chen and Chen Fu Ming.

Mr. Chiu Chen has dedicated his life to creating music and is a devoted political, social, ethnic, and environmental activist. In the 1970s, Chiu started writing campus folk songs, a classic in Taiwan; in early 1980, he effectively pioneered mandarin rock with his moving melodies and wild tempo; in 1987, Chiu released an album depicting the challenges of indigenous peoples in Taiwan, a milestone for “news reporting through music;” and after the 1990s, Chiu threw himself into Hakka music, his native language, and completed a series of Hakka songs in selfless dedication to his roots. Mr. Chiu Chen gives a voice to the public through music and has remained devoted to advancing culture and democracy in Taiwan. Chiu is a true renaissance man and a pioneer of many generations.
Mr. Chen Fu Ming has long been dedicated to producing popular music and is a heavyweight on the Mandarin music scene. In the 1980s, Chen pioneered the concept of Taiwanese bands writing their own music and lyrics and in 1985, Chen released albums for Yvonne Cheng, Sky Wu, David Wong, Tiger Huang, and Zheng Zhihua. Chen later joined Forward Music Co., Ltd. and helped produce representative works for aMEI, Chang Yu-sheng, Ouyang Fei Fei, Su Rui, and Stella Chang, ushering the world of Mandarin music into its golden era. Mr. Chen Fu Ming is a humble man that has always been supportive of new musicians. He remains the ever dutiful gardener as we now enjoy the glorious fruits of his labor. The GMA has therefore decided it fitting to pay tribute to “the musician of all musicians” with the Special Contribution Award.

The 33rd Golden Melody Awards Ceremony will be held at the Kaohsiung Arena on July 2nd (Sat.) at 19:00. The GMA Festival will also be held at the Kaohsiung Music Center in the hopes of injecting new life and vigor into Taiwan’s music industry. All epidemic prevention measures for the Ceremony and GMA events will comply with related policies set forth by the Central Epidemic Command Center and be adapted according to how the pandemic unfolds. The pop music event of the year will be livestreamed by TTV. Please visit the official GMA website or GMA Facebook page for more information.