
韋禮安 William Wei

第22屆金曲獎最佳新人得主。2014年剛推出第三張破格創作大碟「有所畏」,從2010年首張同名創作專輯的清新震憾、2012年「有人在等」的曖昧心動、到今年「有所畏」的黑暗重生,韋禮安帶給聽眾的聽覺震憾,曲曲精彩!創作才子印象,深植人心。2012年在港台舉辦的『兩腳書櫥的逃亡』及『印象派』演唱會大獲好評,今年挾著最新創作大碟「有所畏」回歸Live House,北中南『韋禮安 在你身邊Live巡迴演唱會』,場場爆滿人氣,曲曲令人屏息靜氣,接下來韋禮安將繼續用好音樂洗滌你的耳朵,豐富你的聽覺。

Winner of 22nd Golden Melody’s Best New Artist, William just released his third boundary breaking album “Journey into the Night.” From the fresh and hugely moving first self-titled album in 2010 to 2012’s vaguely touching “Someone is Waiting” and this year’s dark rebirth, Wei gives his audience unique and brilliant listening experiences—this wunderkind has deeply implanted himself in the hearts of his audience. His two concerts in 2012 in Hong Kong and Taiwan, “The Runaway Two-Legged Book Stand” and “Impressionists,” drew great response from critics. With “Journey into the Night,” William returns to the Live House for his tour “William Wei — By Your Side,” which has seen a huge rise in popularity. Each song of his is deeply calming—almost like it’s cleaning out your ears.
