歡迎媒體朋友申請「第25屆金曲獎頒獎典禮」與「2014金曲國際音樂節」採訪證,申請表區分成採訪「頒獎典禮」和「音樂節」兩類,請依照 貴媒體的採訪需求進行表格下載申請。

2014金曲國際音樂節 媒體採訪須知

  • 活動時間地點:
    • 金曲25週年特展   06/20-06/29 10:00-21:00 華山西2館
    • 大師講堂       06/25-06/27 10:00-17:30 華山光點電影舘 (1+2廳)
    • 國際論壇       06/25-06/27 10:00-17:30 華山光點電影舘 (1+2廳)
    • 商展交易與媒合中心  06/25-06/27 10:00-19:00 華山西1館 (6/27開放至17:00止)
    • 工作坊        06/23 19:30-21:00 台視第四攝影棚
                 06/26 16:00-17:30 華山光點電影館(2廳)
    • 金曲@Live House 售票演唱會 (以下三天第一場19:00 、第二場 21:30)
                 06/25 Legacy
                 06/26 河岸留言 (Riverside)
                 06/27 ATT SHOW BOX
  • 採訪證類別、申請/領證時間、聯絡人:
    • 類別:兩種,第一種為「全區」上述活動皆可參加、第二種為「非全區」,除演唱會外,其他活動皆可參與。但部份活動設有採訪規範,請依照台視公司規則進行採訪。
    • 申請時間:即日起延續至6月27日止,請完整填寫申請表後傳真至台視(02)2775-8957。
    • 領證日期:即日起延續至6月27日止,週一至週五上午10時至下午5時請洽台視公司領取(台北市八德路三段10號1樓)。
    • 領證聯絡人:邵薇燁台視總機(02)2775-8888分機393、陳妍婷分機310。
    • 華山媒體中心服務區:6月25日至27日上午10時至下午5時吳倩瑜(手機0922-234-967)。
  • 申請須知:
    • 請以主辦(承辦)單位提供表格統一申請報名,不得私自更改表格,或以寄送方式申請。
    • 報名回函請於規定時間傳真並請來電確認,以利統計,逾期不受理,且不接受臨時申請。
    • 採訪區域因空間有限,請務必以當日作業之文字及攝影記者為主申請。
    • 申請表需經主辦(承辦)單位檢核無誤後,發給媒體採訪證,完成申請手續。
    • 活動當天請全程佩帶媒體採訪證,不得越區採訪。
    • 該證不得轉交他人使用,若遺失恕不另行補發。
    • 活動現場請勿全程錄音、錄影,並請依照台視公司指示進行採訪、攝影。
  • 注意事項:
  • 主辦(承辦)單位保有任何修改本活動條款及細則之權利。其他未盡事宜,悉依主辦(承辦)單位相關規定。
The organizer welcomes media to apply press passes for the 25th Golden Melody Awards and 2014 Global Music Festival. Each event has its own designated application documents. Please download the documents from the pages of Award Ceremony or Music Festival in accordance with your own needs.
The application documents for both events are Notice to the Press and Application Form of Press Passes, and Letter of Undertaking of Licensees.
The Notice, divided into two parts, is provided to print and electronic media. The first part introduces the time and venue of events, notice for interviews and general information. Please read it carefully and observe the terms. The second part is the application form. Please download it and fax the completed form to TTV. Please call to confirm if the form was received, and collet the passes at TTV within the allotted time.
The Letter of Undertaking of Licensees is provided to e-media that needs the television signals of TTV. Please read it carefully, then stamp company chops on and sign it. Media will not be allowed to collect their press passes if they did not submit the original copy of the Letter when colleting the passes.
The English version of all four documents, two for each event, will be uploaded soon. International media is welcomed to download them for application.
The interview procedure of the 25th Golden Melody Awards (including ceremonies and the Music Festival) will be decided by the coordination committee composed of TTV and the association of photographers of print and electronic media. Please pay attention to related notices. All media must send representatives to take part in and draw lots to decide the position arrangement of photographers during the events in the coordination meeting. Regulations concerning interviews will also be announced at the meeting. These regulations are expected to be thoroughly observed on the dates of events.
The organizer appreciates the cooperation of all media.

2014 Global Music Festival Notice to the Press

  1. Time and venue of events:
    • 25th Golden Melody Awards Anniversary Exhibition: 10:00 to 21:00, June 20th to 29th, at Building West 2, HuaShan Creative Park
    • Keynote speeches: 10:00 to 17:30, June 25th to 27th, at Hall 1 & 2, Spot-HuaShan, HuaShan Creative Park
    • International fora: 10:00 to 17:30, June 25th to 27th, at Hall 1 & 2, Spot-HuaShan, HuaShan Creative Park
    • Business match-making center: 10:00 to 19:00, June 25th to 27th, at Building West 1, HuaShan Creative Park
    • Workshops:19:30 to 21:00, June 23rd, at TTV Studio 4 (2F)
             16:00 to 17:30, June 26th, at Hall 2, Spot-HuaShan, HuaShan Creative Park
    • Golden Melody @ Live House ticketed concerts:
      Two concerts will be held on each following dates. The first one starts at 19:00 and the second one starts at 21:30.
             June 25th, Legay
             June 26th, Riverside
             June 27th, ATT SHOW BOX
  2. Press passes:
    • Types of passes: two types of passes will be issued. The “all-inclusive” pass grants entry to all the abovementioned events. The “non-all-inclusive” pass grants entry to all the abovementioned events except the concerts. For events where interview regulations have been set forth by TTV, please conduct interviews accordingly.
    • Application: submission starts as of today until June 27th. Please fax the completed application form to (02) 2775-8957, TTV.
    • Pass collection: please collect passes at TTV Enterprise at 1F, no.10, Sec. 3, Pa Te Rd., Taipei from 10:00 to 17:00 on weekdays, as of today until June 27th
    • Liaisons: Shao Wei-Yeh, (02)2775-8888#393; Chen Yen-Ting, (02)2775-8888#310
    • Media Center at HuaShan Creative Park: 10:00 to 17:00, from June 25th to 27th. Please contact Wu Chien-Yu at 0922-234-967.
  3. Notes for application:
    • Please use the application form provided by the official organizer (co-organizer). Do not make changes on the form or submit the form through mail.
    • Please fax the application form to TTV within the allotted time for submission, and call to confirm if it is received. Submissions made after the due date or on the spot will not be accepted.
    • Due to limited space in the interview area, please apply passes mainly for journalists and photojournalists who need to work on the spot on June 28th.
    • After the official organizer (co-organizer) verified the application form, press passes will be issued to the applicants.
    • Pass holders shall bring the passes with them throughout the event. Each pass could only grant interviews in its designated events.
    • Passes are non-transferable. The organizer will not reissue a pass if it is lost.
    • Please do not audio- or video-record the whole event. Please conduct interviews and shooting in accordance with the guidelines set forth by TTV.
  4. General information:
    (1) Print media
    The Media Center will be at the red brick zone, Building West 5, HuaShan Creative Park. It will be open from the press from 9:30 to 17:00, June 25th to 27th . Telephones, broad-band internet and fax machines are available.
    (2) TV media
    Media planning to receive signals on the spot will get their press passes only after they have signed the Letter of Undertaking of Licensees. If the licensee media violated the terms of the Letter of Undertaking of Licensees, TTV may respond in accordance with the resolution made by the media coordination committee. The licensee media shall be held accountable to compensate all damages suffered by the licensor and any civil and criminal liabilities.
  5. The official organizer (co-organizer) reserves the rights to change regulations and provisions concerning this event. Aspects that are not enumerated in this notice shall be subject to relevant regulations set forth by the official organizer (co-organizer).