「金曲 25 週年特展」,巧妙的將金曲獎 25 年歷程與臺灣社會脈動連結,以宏觀、感性的情境,詳實展現各種珍貴資料,讓你再次記憶起在這25年中閃亮活躍得一如音符的名字和故事,利用「浮空投影」、「擴增實境」等嶄新科技,以特殊的互動設計,陪伴你進入壯闊、華美、充滿音樂的時空迴廊。
- 特展時間:6月20日(五)~6月29日(日) 10:00-21:00
Exhibition Time:6/20(Fri) - 6/29(Sun) 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
- 特展地點:華山文創園區,西2館
Exhibition Location:Huashan1914 Creative Park, West Building 2
The 25th Golden Melody Awards Anniversary Exhibition spans 25 years of history in Taiwan and connects with each year of the 25 Golden Melody Awards ceremonies. Our detailed information is presented within a broad, sensible context, giving the viewer a chance to look back on all of those brilliant, noteworthy names and stories; and new interactive technologies such as the hologram and augmented reality will greet you as you enter the grand and dazzling musical space.
█ 音符飛揚的星光大事紀
25 Years of Music on the Starlight Timeline
以時間軸的型式,將 1990~2013 這與「金曲獎」歷史重疊的四分之一個世紀,條列出各個年度的「流行音樂大事紀」、「金曲年度大事紀」,並對應當時的台灣社會重要事件,讓參觀者穿越時空,乘著音符的翅膀,進行一場豐富深刻的回憶之旅。
運用 iBeacon 定點觸發科技,民眾於展館內攜智慧型手機下載活動 app 軟體 ,即可順著時間軸事件聆賞對應的歌曲。
Rewind and replay, walk through the past 25 years of the music scene in Taiwan. Stop and take a look at each year of our
expo timeline for the past quarter century (1990-2013) on the “Chronology of Pop Music” and “Chronology of the Golden
Melody Awards,” both set right alongside the biggest events on the social scene in Taiwan.
Evolution of the pop music industry, evolution in musical styles, the birth and rise of stars, history of new-media in music.
The site will use iBeacon transmitter technology, so smartphone holders with the event app can access music to
accompany them at each step of the timeline.
Manuscripts from musicians and MVs are woven artistically into the exhibit.
█ 音符寫下的榮光~歷年金曲獎各獎項得主英雄牆
An Illustrious History~Winners wall, where you can see all the Golden Melody recipients
以多媒體播放形式 將不同尺寸螢幕,設計成具有藝術氣息之榮光影像牆。內容為第 1 屆至第 24 屆之歷屆幕前音樂工作者的珍貴得獎畫面。幕後音樂工作者部份,延伸榮光影像牆之設計風格,以文字牆之形式呈現。
A multimedia wall with variously-sized monitors designed to present our winners with artistic flair.Pictures of the prestigious winners of the 1st-24th Golden Melody as they receive their awards.
Music workers behind the curtain are presented in an extension of the multimedia wall—the text wall.
█ 數位異想演唱會
Digital Imagination Concert
Through the retinal projection which from the holographic projection Tech. to display Jody Chiang,
Jay Chou those two artists singing for the audiences, it will create a visual and audible feast, right in front of your eyes.
█ 我和金曲大明星
I and the Golden Melody Stars

利用「AR 擴增實境」的前衛科技,讓參觀者於場內經由手機啟動 QR Code,與金曲大明星們擬真合影,留下寶貴畫面。
Smartphone users at the event can scan QR codes to see and stand beside Golden Melody stars through augmented reality.
It is the perfect photo-op.
█ 隨著音符飛越 25 年
Seeing the Past 25 Years—Through Music
透過 5 台 42 吋大螢幕畫面分別播映以下珍貴影片:
- 金曲 25 年紀錄片
- 金曲之夜特別節目
- 「最美麗的聲音」訪談 (30 段 )
- 倒數金曲 25 訪談 (20 集 )
- 歷屆金曲獎年度最佳音樂錄影帶獎 MV
Thorough Five 42-inches TV to play the following videos:
Documentary of 25 Years of the Golden Melody Awards
- “Golden Melody Night”
- “Most Beautiful Voice” interviews (30 segments)
- Countdown to the 25th Golden Melody interviews (series of 20)
- MVs for each Best Music Video
█ 典藏珍品展示區
Special Collection Area
由金曲大導師黃子佼獨家提供音樂週邊商品,展示 1990 年 ~2013 年間出版專輯的特殊包裝,或獨特珍貴的音樂週邊出版品,內容琳瑯滿目。
Provided the Golden Melody music special collections by Mickey Huang,
We have a comprehensive collection of album packaging and other musical paraphernalia. You can see it all here.
█ 金曲禮讚留影區
Golden Melody Remembrance Area
巨型金曲獎座拍照區/ Golden Melody Award picture area
CD 封面榮耀區/ Prestigious CD-cover area
█ 金曲25 週年特展 展場規劃示意圖
25th Golden Melody Awards Anniversary Exhibition Planned Exhibition Area Map