

  • 商展日期:6月25日~6月27日
  • 商展時間:10時-19時(6月25日開放至17時止)
  • 商展地點:華山文創園區西1館
  • 環境介紹:簡報空間、Show Room、媒合中心
金曲獎的意義, 除了肯定年度優秀的人才與作品,並肩負著將台灣流行音樂推廣、傳輸、行銷到國際各個市場的重要使命。今年的「商展交易中心」擴大邀約國內外相關產業買家踴躍参加,開啟B2B交易平台,交易的洽談項目從音樂版權、演藝經紀,到包含實體、數位等各種通路的媒合商機,包羅萬項;而兼俱功能化,舒適化的洽談空間,展現了華人音樂商展的專業規格。

  • Date:6/25~6/27
  • Time:10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
  • Location:Huashan1914 Creative Park, West Building 1
  • Surroundings:Report Space, Show Room, Match Center
The Golden Melody Awards was created with the purpose of affirming all of the great talent that is discovered year by year, but it also helps to promote, spread, and market Taiwan’s pop music to the markets of the world. This year the Music Business Matching Center invites buyers from domestic and international industries to participate in our B2B business platform. Business matchmaking opportunities are limitless, incorporating those in music rights, performing management, and physical and digital sales channels. Discussion spaces are designed to be both functional and comfortable, truly an expression of the professional standards of the Chinese music trade show.
█ 商展交易中心場地配置圖 Deployment Layout of Music Business Matching Center
  • 商展交易中心場地配置圖
█ 國內賣家_ RIT 會員 / WE SELL_RIT Members
█ 國內賣家_ 音樂廠牌 / WE SELL_Music Label
█ 國內賣家_ 藝人經紀 / WE SELL_Artist Management
█ 國內賣家_ 版權交易 / WE SELL_Publisher
█ 國內賣家_ 其他 / WE SELL_Others
█ 國內買家_ / WE BUY_local buyers
█ 國外買家_ / WE BUY_International buyers