金曲@Live House售票演唱會

傑出歌手無以倫比的現場感染力,再也沒有比聲光效果完美到位的Live House演唱會,更來得讓人情感澎湃昂揚;金曲25,特別打造六場Live House售票演唱會,讓熱愛音樂的你,實際感受音樂的狂熱魅力。
售票日期:2014/06/06 12:00 ~ 2014/06/24 12:00

A talented musician has an infectious on-stage energy, and that energy only gets higher on the Live House stage, with its perfect sound and lighting; the 25th Golden Melody Awards has scheduled six Golden Melody @ Live House ticketed concerts where all you music lovers out there will be able to feel the live excitement of the music and the crowd. Places are limited and are given on a first-come, first-serve basis.

6/26 (Thr) Ximen Riverside Live House

6/27 (Fri) ATT SHOW BOX