
王大文 Dawen Wang

大小的大 文章的文
名字很簡單 底子很深厚

Da. Wen. Wang.
The name is just three syllables, but the artist is so much deeper.
Alum of a famous classical music school in the U.S., Dawen Wang uses simple techniques to convey his musical passion. His Youtube videos have drawn a huge number of views. After coming to Taiwan, Dawen released his ten-track debut “Hello,” a solid effort in lyrics, arrangement, and production.

袁詠琳 Cindy Yen

從古典R&B「畫沙」, 到性感電音「陷阱」,
創作唱跳全才的Cindy, 不斷突破自我,
今夏更將以大膽個性嘻哈, 華麗回歸樂壇。

From classic R&B with Jay Chou in “Sand Painting” to the sexy new electronica of “Trap,”
Cindy is a triple threat in terms of musical talent, and she continues to surpass herself.
This summer she is even bolder as she makes her beautiful return to the stage with hip hop.

阿沁 Real

最近也成為了作家,推出新書「Be Stronger 阿沁概念音樂輯」,展現了黃金主打歌製造機的全方位才華。

The guitarist from the rock group F.I.R, Real is perhaps more notably known as a theme song writer in the Mandopop world.
With already 10 years in the business, including song-writing for 6 albums with F.I.R and a solo album,
Real has also written over 150 massively popular theme songs, each with a variety of styles,
a number of which have gone platinum and diamond.
Over recent years, Real has dedicated himself to producing, offering his expertise in helping musicians with the style of their music.
In addition to having his own production company, he has also started a musical college to teach musical creation; he has even started a film company with his friends.
Most recently, he has gone back to his musician roots by dropping “Be Stronger,” his compilation album of unique songs that shows the many sides to this one man’s talent.

陳惠婷 Huiting Chen

Tizzy Bac樂團主唱,於2014年開始個人創作,路線以鋼琴鍵盤為主體,除了樂團時代的獨立搖滾風格以外,並開展電氣民謠的曲風。

Tizzy Bac’s lead singer, after 15 years with the band, started producing her own music in 2014. Her music involves mainly piano and keyboard; in addition to her indie rock style, she has also adopted elements of the electric folk genre.

管罄 Kris Kuan


從15歲參加歌唱比賽後, 管罄不曾放棄音樂,學生時期自組樂團「The Fever Cats」,開始帶BAND形式的演出,現在再 組「KRIS’BAND」不定期於全台Live house表演,看過管罄演出 的人,無不懾服於她的現場魅力。

She says…
I breathe, live and sing with all my strength.
As long as I’m living in this world,
I will sing and let everybody hear my voice.

Kris Kuan has never given up on her music dream since she joined a singing competition at the age of 15. She created a band called “The Fever Cats” and started performing when she was a student. Now she performs at live houses in different parts of Taiwan with her new band “KRIS’BAND”. Her live performance always leaves the audience in awe.
