中文簡介 小紅帽為什麼替大野狼指路?親吻濕黏青蛙就是信守承諾?張正煦律師意外發現過去的客戶——補習名師湯師承,又再度犯下性侵罪行。十七年前,年輕的張律師結識高中生陳新,並漸漸喜歡上這個聰明開朗的女孩。然而,身為菜鳥的他追求事業表現,在資深律師杜子甄的指導下,為湯師承辯護脫罪,而犯下難以原諒的錯誤。如今面對昔日客戶與恩師,張律師決定彌補過錯,並為深愛的女孩復仇,不計代價追求屬於自己的正義。律師出身的編導唐福睿,以法學專業為基底,探索臺灣少見的法庭類型。他以童話故事中看似理所當然的道德命題為引,挖掘法律難解的權勢議題。電影由律師觀點出發,透過主角衝突又矛盾的多重身份,帶領觀眾進入法庭世界,大膽探問性侵案件的正義是什麼模樣?單憑法律能否挽救所有受創的靈魂? 英文簡介 A cold, hard-nosed lawyer, Zhang, discovers that his past client, Tang, is involved in yet another case of sexual assault. Seventeen years ago, Zhang was a rookie and his outstanding performance helped Tang exonerated from the charge. However, the brutal cross examination completely destroyed the victim and his beloved girl by accident. In order to atone for his mistakes, the defense attorney decides to pursue justice at any cost.

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