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The GMA exhibition features the latest music and interdisciplinary technologies and showcases mind-blowing futuristic applications to satisfy the imagination of visitors.
Venue:Le Méridien Taipei No.2, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

1 6/21 Thur 1400-1420 monopo inc.
1420-1440 COTODAMA- Lyric Speaker
1440-1500 Han Chuang Culture and Art
2 6/22 Fri 1400-1420 LyraVR
1400-1420 Funique VR
1440-1500 HTC VIVE
monopo inc. -SQUEEZE MUSIC

SQUEEZE MUSIC is a jukebox juicer that automatically analyzes songs to mix drinks according to the mood of the song chosen. The idea behind this concept is the “extension of the music experience”. So far, music influences visual and auditory senses only but SQUEEZE MUSIC managed to influence the sense of taste. But not only juice, your favourite music and coffee made by SQUEEZE MUSIC can wake you up in the morning. Music can also be played by musicians during a concert to make cocktails. SQUEEZE MUSIC has many applications, like offering music to drink to an hearing-impaired person. Musicians can express their music without language. SQUEEZE MUSIC enables the music experience to be more universal and nonverbal.

COTODAMA- Lyric Speaker

COTODAMA is a Japanese company, which produces Lyric Speaker. Using "Lyric Sync Technology", Lyric Speaker displays lyrics in sync with the music and visualizes them in a beautiful way. Also, we are offering our technology for 3rd party such as live venues, music softwares, and so on.


Han Chuang Culture and Art has accumulated years of copyright music, which is already more than 500 songs, and started to branch out into other area in recent years.
Hosting Taipei International Tattoo and Music Festival, Hong Xiaoqiao - Journey of Love folk song concert, Old Wine in New Bottles music competition; producing aboriginal album “Cemelesai Pasasauv - ZEMIYAN”, which was nominated by Golden Indie Music Awards and Golden Melody Awards, being music executive of “Timeless fusion party - 8”, and music directing of Wallace Chung live tour Sing for Life. Also holding campus live tour, collaborating with singer such as Lara Liang and Juan-Yng Zhuang.
Co-operate with RNOVA studio to develop rhythm mobile game “Lyrica”, which has stayed in Top 3 of iOS App Store and Google Play’s games chart for weeks, and winning lots of international prizes.


LyraVR is focused on providing the next generation of tools for music makers and businesses who want to deploy new music experiences using AR/VR. From allowing musicians and fans to interact with spatial audio in a fully interactive virtual space to performing in live mixed reality sets.

Future + Unique = Funique

Funique dedicated ourself into realizing 8K per eye Stereoscopic VR in film industry, and creating new generation platform for viewers. Stereoscopic VR is a breakthrough technology with higher resolution that regular 2D VR will never achieve. It truly shows you what it’s like in real-time situation. With this kind of realistic and immersive contents, allowing viewers to be wherever they want to be, which is everywhere in the world.


About VR Content Center
From equipment, developers, to distribution platforms, we welcome more industrial and cultural team, in order to give a more appropriate services and humanism qualities of VR in every orientation.
HTC founded VR Content Center in 2016, aiming at pan-entertainment (music, films and videos, interaction), owing to integrate technology and humanities talents to continuously develop and produce VR’s contents. We hope to build a standard procedure, promoting a larger VR ecology in pan-entertainment fields. Making a contribution to art and humanities in virtual industry simultaneously. Even though we will run into odds, but we will breakthrough and strive for achievement in order to build a better path. Other than films, we will continuously create; invest, in pan-entertainment (music, films and videos, interaction). We welcome more adventurous developers and artist to join us.

Past Festivals:
2014 2015 2016 2017