

陳子鴻 資深音樂製作人,製作資歷超過25年,至今製作超過三百張專輯唱片,其中不乏許多膾炙人口的經典歌曲,並且培養出許多新生代音樂人,堪稱華語樂壇的金牌音樂製作,至今仍親身在第一線製作的資深音樂人。目前,致力於推動華語流行音樂的發展,參與各項創作、音樂人才的評選及培育,並於各地與年輕學子分享流行音樂的實作經驗。同時身為一位華語流行音樂的資深音樂人持續不斷的創作,並且也作為台灣的音樂品牌【喜歡音樂】的品牌經營者。傾畢生熱情投注於音樂製作中,同時更不遺餘力地提攜及培養後進子弟兵,為華語樂壇延續更多好人才與好音樂,其中包括 陳建寧(FIR、無限延伸音樂) 、小安(音樂製作人)、阿弟仔(跳蛋工廠、環球音樂製作部)、畢國勇(跳蛋工廠、環球音樂製作部) 、深白色(小白魚工作室)、郭建良(音樂製作人)、戴佩妮(創作歌手) 、陳韋伶(EMI簽約作者、製作人 )、方炯鑌(創作歌手)…等,以其豐富的音樂素養與才能,將讓第25屆金曲獎頒獎典禮呈現更多元化的音樂能量。

Eric Chen/25th Annual Golden Melody Awards Ceremony Music General Consultant

Eric Chen is a veteran music producer, amassing over a quarter-century of production experience. Up to today, he’s produced more than 300 albums, many of which contain many popular songs, and he’s cultivated many members of the new generation of musicians, earning him the moniker of the “gold medalist” of Chinese music producers -- and he’s still on the front line of senior music producers. Currently, Eric Chen is devoted to the development of Chinese pop music, participating in diverse productions, selection and nurturing of music talents, and in many different venues he shares with young musicians his hands-on experience in pop music. At the same time, while he’s busy continuously acting as a senior pop Chinese music producer, he’s also brand manager for the Taiwanese music brand, “Enjoy Music”. Although Eric Chen’s lifelong passion has been music production, at the same time he has spared no effort to nurture and develop the next generation of musicians, and to ensure the continuation of outstanding artists and productions for the Chinese music scene. This list includes Chien-ning Chen (FIR, Expanding Music), Hsiao An (music producer), A-ti Tsai (Jumping Egg Factory, Universal Music Production Department), Daniel Bi (Jumping Egg Factory, Universal Music Production Department), Deep White (Little White Fish Studio),
