

楊千霈 由於有著亮麗甜美的外型、思緒清晰與口才流利的種種特點,2001年跨入主持的行列就深獲好評;在隔年嘗試參與戲劇演出之後,便奠定楊千霈在主持與演戲方面都能夠掌控自如的能力,擔任過演戲、主持、廣告代言等各式各樣、大大小小的工作,經歷非常豐富,表現更是亮眼,是演藝界備受好評的全方位藝人,近幾年楊千霈因為大大小小頒獎典禮星光大道的洗禮之後,被譽為是台灣史上最強星光大道主持人選,尤其在50屆的金馬獎星光大道,更被公認史上首次零負評的星光大道,沉穩的掌控能力,與認真投入熟讀所有入圍資料,帶領著搭檔將星光大道呈現出最流暢的節奏,曾經兩度與DENNIS攜手主持金曲獎星光大道,都獲得極高的讚賞兩人搭配得宜,楊千霈也具有相當流利的英文語言能力,在如此重要的金曲25年,勢必在星光大道上更需要倚重如此經驗豐富的主持人來串連所有的來賓進場與訪問,相信這樣的絕配組合,將讓第25屆金曲獎星光大道能夠呈現出最生動流暢的節奏,以及最精采的訪談,讓金曲25從星光大道開始,便能帶動觀眾情緒與收視高潮。

Pink Yang/Red Carpet Emcee at the 25th Annual Golden Melody Awards

Ever since she burst onto the hosting stage in 2001, Pink Yang has been critically acclaimed due to her sweet and good-looking appearance, her quick-wits, and well spoken demeanor. The following year she tried out her hand at acting, which helped give her a solid foundation and poise for hosting and acting both. She is an acclaimed all-around entertainer in the industry, with experience in large and small and diverse productions serving as an actor, host, and or product spokesperson. After the “baptism of fire”, from hosting red carpet events at numerous awards ceremonies, Pink today is acclaimed as the Queen of red carpet hosting. Most notable was her performance at the 50th Awards Golden Horse Awards red carpet, where she received nothing but praise. Her poise and calm, as well as her familiarity with the nominees, ensured the red carpet ceremony proceeded smoothly.
