入圍者/Ron Aniello、曲婉婷
入圍作品 /愛的海洋《我為你歌唱》(演唱者:曲婉婷)
報名單位 /環球國際唱片股份有限公司
身在他鄉,志在遠方,你的愛讓我堅強……。 「愛的海洋 Love Ocean」是曲婉婷在最新唱作專輯《Say The Words 我為你歌唱》的第一首單曲,宣洩出 遊子為理想奮鬥的歷程與充滿感激的心情,將奮力為夢想打拼的意念與行動化為音符,唱出積極、不畏失 敗的正能量。

Ron Aniello
Wanting's text started with RON!!!!! So, apparently she was very excited with news of the nomination. I felt honored to be considered and incredibly proud of Wanting to know that she is being acknowledged by the GMA for her song Love Ocean. I have much respect for an artist such as Wanting who can write, sing, play, and has her own unique vision. I'm very proud of her, but I rarely tell her... So here you go wanting- GOOD WORK!!! Music is medicine for the heart and Wanting's music touched me. I'm grateful for being considered with her.
有幸以《愛的海洋》入圍金曲獎最佳單曲製作人,非常感謝評審們。很開心能得到音樂界前輩的認可,也感謝喜歡我音樂的人們,是你們賦予我的歌生命與意義。 這次入圍的是製作獎項,要感謝 Ron Aniello 對我的啟發,這是我們用心做出的音樂。