入圍作品/泰國情哥《亞洲通緝》(導演:Chayanop Boonprakob)
「泰國情哥」由馬來西亞創作鬼才及導演黃明志在 2013 年所發表的音樂作品,並收錄在黃明志《亞洲通 緝》專輯。歌詞中參雜了中英泰三種語言,更妙的是,黃明志把中文為主的歌詞唱成了泰國腔,乍聽之下 會讓人誤以為是泰國歌。「泰國情哥」的音樂錄影帶全程在曼谷取景拍攝,由於當在地語言不通,黃明志 也找來泰國喜劇導演 Chayanop Boonprakob 拔刀相助兩個人鬼點子超多的導演一拍即合 , 很快就把劇本完 成了。在 MV 裡,黃明志對著一位高挑的泰國辣妹大唱情歌,想盡各種辦法來擄獲辣妹的芳心,追求過程 中帶出了一波又一波的笑料 , MV 裡也充分的展現了外國遊客眼中最具有泰國特色的東西 , 例如佛廟、和 尚、遊客、泰拳、曼谷時尚、嘟嘟車、恐怖片、肥皂劇、芒果和傳統舞蹈等等,由其故事結尾有冤魂和人 妖的出現更是讓人噴飯。也因此,「泰國情哥」MV 一上傳到網路便被網民瘋狂傳閱,甚至還有不及其數 的盜載視頻。保守估計,「泰國情哥」MV 目前在網路上已經有超過兩千萬的瀏覽率,除了台灣香港馬來 西亞的媒體都有報導以外,就連泰國的媒體也都大肆的報導。也讓「泰國情哥」在一夜之間紅遍了全亞洲!

I first met Namewee and Fred Chong at Okinawa Film Festival in 2012. I enjoy watching Namewee’s film “Nasi Lemak 2.0” very much, we have similar style in production. So that I was invited to cooperate with him in <Thai Love Song> project. A year later Namewee stated that “I wrote a Thai song and wants to shoot MV in Thailand, u have cute Thai girls? ”. Moo said ‘Yes.’, Namewee then said “Ok. let’s do it.”, the end. My past carrier was a flight attendant. There was one time my crew and I came on a late night flight to Taipei. We were very exhausted so I went to bed at the hotel right away. Suddenly, I can’t move my body and felt like there was something on top of me. It was a first time in my life to ever met a ghost, Although ghost in Thailand is really famous, I was so exhausted to see it happened in Taipei... But I felt surprised and very honored to be shortlisted in this award! Taipei, I am back again!