「恭喜恭喜、也節哀順便!」家裡喪事與喜事同時發生,讓8歲的小猴子好錯亂。她想要幫剛生完小孩的媽媽分憂,於是拜託阿公,陪她去把親戚送來的一隻活雞「咕咕雞」給變成雞湯。 Amidst a family funeral and the arrival of a new sibling, Little Monkey finds herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. With her mother overwhelmed by postpartum stress, Little Monkey is determined to help. She convinces her beloved grandpa to embark on an unusual mission: to turn "Koo koo chicken," a live chicken gifted by relatives, into comforting chicken soup. As they wander through town with the troublesome chicken, chaos ensues, leading to unexpected encounters and misadventures that teach Little Monkey more about life, death, and the meaning of family.

發佈時間 :

導演: 謝家忻
演員: 喜翔 斯拉 曾珮瑜
攝影: 林龍吟
燈光: 劉本淵
製片: 徐千淳 樊牧杰
聲音: 聲匠記號
剪接: 劉人鳳
造型: 戴家媛
製作團隊: 駿喬影社
特效: 罡風創意映像
音樂: 利多比音樂
美術: 陳炫劭
監製: 何平